There was a time, not so long ago, when the blessed truth of important subjects such as Justification, Election, Regeneration, Sanctification and Perseverance of the Saints were well-known doctrines of the Christian faith, since they were regularly preached from the pulpit. Church-goers were thoroughly familiar with these basic truths. But now, unfortunately, a generation has arisen which is almost totally ignorant of these precious themes. Many people are frequently swayed in their opinions and eventually turn their backs on the church, because they are fed with little nutritious food for their souls.
Besides, ministers have adapted their sermons to present-day views, sometimes because they are afraid of losing members whenever they preach biblical truths contrary to generally accepted social norms.
To remedy this we have collected sound theological works giving sustenance to those who wish to follow their Lord wholeheartedly. All selected works are at the same time not only true in biblical content but in a high degree pastoral as well to equip the serious reader with a profuse theoretical and practical knowledge of God's word and His will in our lives.
When you are interested, you can click on the book or article you prefer.
We sincerely hope and pray that this wealth of spiritual works may help you to get a firmer grip on evangelical truths.
The theology down-to-earth team,
Pieter Weeber, Th.D.